Assalamuwalaikum wrwb
What is Tahajjud Prayer?
Salah is one of the pillar of Islam. A prayer generally means the remembrance of Allah swt and getting His mercy and blessings.
Salah is of two types : First is obligatory and second is the Nafl (supererogatory prayer) which is optional.
"Nafl" is an Arabic word , which means to get "something extra".
Allah mentions in the Quran "And from [part of the night, pray with it as additional (worship) for you, it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station." [ 17:79 ]
The above mentioned Ayah shows that there is one supplementary mode of asking Allah swt for His compassion, which is performed during night time and it results in finding a blessed rank on the day of Judgement. The prayer that is referred here is indeed the salah of Tahajjud.
Timing of Tahajjud Prayer
"And those who spend (part of ) the night to their Lord prostrating and standing in prayer" [25:64]
Tahajjud prayer is implemented in the final third of a night after waking up from one's sleep.
Requisites of performing Tahajjud prayer
- Making a clear intention of performing Tahajjud .
- Sustaining a complete state of cleanliness and doing the ablution (wudhu) just like any other normal prayer.
- Assign a clean and quiet place in the house away from any distractions.
- Offer atleast 2 rakat's up to 12 depending one one's will power.
- Try to emulate the Prophet (saws) during this auspicious hour of the night.
- Make this prayer a part of one's routine as Prophet (saws) disliked this act. Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A) "O' Abdullah! Do not be like so and so , who used to offer Tahajjud at night and then stopped offering it." (Bukhari)
- Don't forget to make dua to Allah swt for one's just and rightful requests and prayers in order to get benefited from this rewarding hours of darkness.
The power of Tahajjud Prayer
Tahajjud Prayer is that power which will make you wonder how amazingly the duas are answered by your Lord. It is like an arrow which does not miss it's target! (Imam Shafi)
Since , it is difficult to rouse from one's slumber , that is the reason ,why this salah carries greatest amount of rewards and great status from Allah swt.
"The best of prayers after the prescribed prayers is prayer in the depths of the night, and the best of fasting after the month of Ramadan is fasting in the months of Allah (Muharram)," [Muslim]
This Hadith is the testimony of the fact that it is the most desirable form of supplication near the Almighty after the ones which are mandatory to act upon.
It is a Gateway to Allah's compassion and mercy.
The Magic of Tahajjud Prayer
Did you know that Allah swt descends every night to the lowest of the heavens to answer our dua's?
Include Tahajjud prayer in your daily routine and you will start noticing the immense amount of mental satisfaction.
Personally , I feel at ease and at peace with myself.
While my duas initially were solely based on those quick fulfillment's I used to yearn for, I slowly began to diversify my list of duas and finally reached a stage where I would just sit and thank Allah for every single thing that I had never thanked before. I could never count my blessings I had been bestowed with and so I would remain an indebted slave.
The calmness of the night , the peace and the serentiy, the feeling of sitting infront of your Lord, pouring your heart out is inimitable.
Tears roll down....anger, frustration, disappointment , all kinds of negative emotions are soon replaced with peace , tranquility , contentment and mental satisfaction.
It is a time to reflect and speak with your Creator.
Cry out to the Almighty during this time and see His Mercy touch you miraculously!
As rightly said,
"Verily in the remembrance of Allah , do hearts find rest" [13:28]
If you haven't included Tahajjud Prayer in your routines yet, NOW IS THE TIME!
Don't let this Ramadan pass by, by not offering Tahajjud prayers .
Seek for His Mercy , Ask for Forgiveness , And remember the whole ummah in your prayers.
-Hafsa Mohd.