Monday, July 20, 2020

The best days of the year- 10 things to do in the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As, we all enter the precious month of Dhul Hijjah , some of us are anxiously looking forward for Eid , or Hajj for those blessed ones who are chosen among the very few who will be performing Hajj this year.
This is another sacred month , and The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are better than the days of Ramadan!

"There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshiped in them than the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, fasting every day of them is the equivalent of fasting a year, and standing every night of them ( in prayer) is equivalent of standing on the Night of Qadr." 
-Prophet Muhammad ( )

Here, I will be listing down 10 things to do in these 10 days to gain rewards InshAllah.


The first nine days are a really good time to fast until Eid.
If you can't fast all the nine days, fasting on the day of Arafah ( 9th of Dhul Hijjah) is highly recommended, as Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ )
 said, fasting on this day erases our sins from the previous year and the next.

2.Read Quran-

This is a good time to read Quran. 
Challenge yourself to see how many chapters of the Quran can you complete in these blessed days.

3.Give Sadaqah/Charity-

Go an extra mile to give in charity, help those in need, give money to the poor, spend time with your family, help your parents, smile often, etc.
Any act done to make a person happy will be considered as an act of  charity that will be rewarded multiple times inshaAllah.

4.Increase in DHIKR-

This is the time to increase yourself in doing dhikr. Keep your tongues moist remembering Allah while doing all the errands. Keep reciting the talbiyah although you are not going to Hajj.

"Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
Allahu akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Allah
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
wa lilahi'l hamd"

"Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great,
Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great,
There is no God but Allah,
Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great,
Allah is Most Great, and to Allah be praise."

5.Exchange Salam/Greetings-

We get cautious these days in interacting with people especially due to Covid-19. 
Renew your intentions and give salam at a distance to someone whom you even don't know!
Don't forget to give a smile along. Spread the fragrance of Islam in all possible ways!

6.Pray Tahajjud-

This is a good time to motivate yourself to observe the tahajjud prayer.
Think how blessed but short these nine days are and think of all the things you need to ask Allah swt for! Don't miss out on the great rewards of spending your night in prayer!

7.Teach your kids about Dhul-Hijjah-

I always make it a point to keep the strings of my kids attached in all possible ways in whatever blessed days we have,  be it Ramadan or these 10 days!
Make them understand the beauty of these ten days , tell them about the sacrifices of Ibrahim a.s and Ismail a.s, and the story of Zamzam.
Let them connect with the significance and blessings of these blessed days! 
They will be more excited and eager to do good deeds once they are aware of the blessings! That's how kids are SubhanAllah.

8.Pray in Masjid-

The reward of praying in Masjids is greater than that of praying at home so don't lose out on catching those rewards!
If you have the opportunity, do so.

9.Do a good deed for your parents-

Quite often we neglect on doing things for our parents, but this is a great time to do something for them.
Say a prayer, donate money / give charity on their behalf, plant a tree, etc.

One of the best things that a person has is a righteous child who prays for them.
In these blessed days, make your greatest blessing , your parents your priority and do a good deed for them. This will not only reward them , but also reward you for the good deed!

10.Spread the fragrance of Islam-

Don't forget to spread the message of Islam! You have plenty of options out there to tell a word about the significance of these blessed days to a non-muslim friend or a colleague.
Help people see the beauty of Islam in these blessed month.

I hope this was beneficial and may we reap the benefit of these blessed days in every possible way!

إن شاء الله


-Hafsa Mohammad.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Bond with the Beloved - Depth of Dhikr


Assalamuwalaikum wrwb.

Are you feeling

Do any of these feelings sound familiar to you?
Off lately, I have been hearing a lot of people complaining about anxiety and depression.

What do you think could be the main reason for that?
Well , apart from medical reasons ( if any) I think the main root of it is,
Perhaps, lack of bonding with our Beloved , Our Lord, The Almighty!

Many times, life can feel like a never ending merry-go round ride, from working to dealing with house-hold chores , taking care of the family, spending weekends running errands, with never ending responsibilities. I'm not saying that these activities are not important. However, most of the times we end up neglecting ourselves and our spiritual side in the daily pursuit of the fast pacing world, especially for we woman, who are often left unfairly amidst the brunt of chores and family responsibilities.

It isn't any easier to maintain and achieve the right balance between deen and duniya.
Although , we may intend wanting to read more Quran every day and gain more ajr or gain more knowledge about our deen, or offer nafawil prayers, but due to our hectic lives, we are unable to do so.
It can be too difficult sometimes to reflect on our religion and spiritually to gain a lot from it!

This is where the need of "Bonding with your Beloved" through Dhikr arises!

It can be a vital part of your day. Dhikr is not only powerful but also , a simple way to worship our Lord, when we have lack of time.

Allah swt has made our religion Islam so easy that even the shortest surahs or duas or phrases on reciting can receive abundant rewards.

Dhikr is so easy and carries huge rewards, this is an act of worship we should strive to increases in our daily lives . It is a direct and powerful way of strengthening your bond and relationship with your Lord. By praising and glorifying Allah swt, we are showing our gratitude to Him. We are acknowledging the fact that none has power except Him.
Once, we truly understand this depth, that we are not actually in control of our lives, and it is only with the help and will of Allah that we can achieve things or success in our lives.
As, we begin to depend on Allah for all things and not on people, we can live our lives with a lot more contentment which can give us inner satisfaction and peace.

For , Surely it also a means of getting peace and tranquility to our hearts!

' Verily, in the remembrance of Allah , do hearts find rest." (Quran 13:28)

Sincerely, increasing the amount of dhikr in our daily lives will have a substantial impact on all areas of our lives. By, the very essence of constantly being connected to our Creator, our Imaan will naturally increase which eventually will help us build our bond with Him in all aspects of life.

Here, I am going to list down few types of dhikr and their virtues.

The First Kalimah, ‘La illaha ill AllahMuhamadur-Rasul Allah’ 
(There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah)
 is an essential dhikr, as it is the declaration of faith. It is considered to be the best dhikr!

“When a servant of Allah utters the words La illaha ill Allah sincerely, the doors of heaven open up for these words until they reach the Throne of Allah, so long as the utterer keeps away from the major sins”- Prophet Muhammad ()

‘Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, subhanallahil azeem’
 Glory be to Allah and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Greatest. 

Prophet Muhammad () said, “There are two statements that are light on the tongue to remember, heavy upon the scales and dearest to the Merciful.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah’ . 
There is no power nor might without Allah.

This dhikr is a treasure from amongst the treasures of Paradise.

‘SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah, wa laa illAllah wAllahu akbar .
 Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God but Allah, Allah is the Greatest.

These are most beloved to Allah and have been encouraged in many hadith of the Prophet ().

 I seek Allah’s forgiveness.

This is another dhikr that can be recited abundantly to wipe away our sins. 
The Prophet () is reported to have done this more than seventy times a day.

Learning Allah’s ninety nine names/attributes is another way to do dhikr. 

The constant recitation of the names can be the best remedy to many problems in your life. 
Allah swt commands us to supplicate to Him by invoking His beautiful names.

When Allah is mentioned in a gathering, Allah remembers those believers in a higher gathering in the heavens amongst angels. 
When you try to get closer to Allah, Allah draws even closer towards you.

"So remember Me, I will remember you."
 ( Quran 2:132 )

Dhikr is a vast and deep topic. The purpose of this article is to highlight the power of dhikr in our everyday lives and also to encourage my dear muslim brothers and sisters to increase the amount of dhikr they do in their daily lives.

I hope that this would not only be helpful and beneficial on a spiritual level from the constant recitation of Allah’s beloved phrases but also help us defeat the depressed phase most of us are facing during these tough times .
Our levels of Imaan can naturally fluctuate every day and this is an immediate way to remember Allah. 
No doubt, life can be complicated and hectic but Islam fundamentally is very simple and easy to implement in our lives, if we make the effort and have sincere intentions.

Whilst we still have to take care of matters of the dunya, we can often escape in a sort of meditative form of worship with dhikr and attain peace which will help us to sort out all the affairs of duniya and help us construct a positive balance between deen an duniya.

                                        جزاك اللهُ خيراً

-Hafsa Mohd.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essence of Eid - Eid in Lockdown

Assalamuwalaikum wrwb

Lets take a look at the true essence and significance of Eid-ul-Fitr during this Lockdown.

Alhumdulillah what a blessing it is to complete Ramadan and Welcome Eid! I hope we have achieved our goals InshaAllah.

Allah mentions in the Holy Quran, "O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed on you as it has been prescribed on those before you so that you may attain Taqwa" ( 2:183)

Allah swt has blessed us with another Ramadan and time to cope up with Covid-19.
We are indeed the fortunate ones that He gave us the opportunity to cleanse our sins, to draw close to Him, and to help others in need. 

Allah swt has His own Hikmah and if we look at it closely, He has blessed us and Eid is a moment of celebration and happiness! 

Eid is such a blessing that it's nearly a reminder of the joyous and rejoicing celebration of entering the Jannah!

It is a blessed day of enjoying special meals and sweets, connecting with loved ones virtually, and remembering the favors of Allah upon us. Let our hearts always be filled with gratitude and love.

Certainly, there is an element of sadness in this Eid. This Eid is different and not like others.
With most of the countries observing total lock-down, we need to stay at home during this celebration. And, most likely to observe Eid prayer at home.

Rest assured, the day is a blessed one! You will certainly have the reward of having attended Eid salah and the angels will be there recording and celebrating with us, Insha'Allah.

Here , are some sunnahs we can follow.

  • Take a ghusl/ shower.
  • Have odd number of dates.
  • Wear your best attire.
  • Apply fragrance/perfume.
  • Pray Eid prayers at home.
  • Say Takbeerat before and after salah in plenty.

Although , we can't meet our relatives and friends , connect with them virtually . You could even send them gifts online. Don't forget to reach out to the less fortunate ones by reaching them out and sharing your love and support. 

Some virtual fun tips-Though far apart- still stay connected by Heart !

  • Greet relatives and friends through video calls.
  • Cook special meals together.
  • Spread joy with virtual eidi.
  • Try out different sweet recipes .
  • Organize a whole virtual hour party gathering the extended family together online.

The true essence is in being Thankful in whatever situation we are in

Show gratitude for the blessings we will receive from Allah swt. Don't let the covid-19 situation weaken your imaan and deprive you from rejoicing the blessed day of Eid. Make this day as special as you can!

Allah swt mentions in the Quran," Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful. ( 2:185)

It is the guidance that He granted us that we are truly thankful for, the ease He bought to our hearts, and the conviction we have in this reward.

May Covid-19 be removed from the world ,  the virus cured and the sick healed , the deceased forgiven. May His blessings be bestowed on all of us all around the world.
May we be among those who show gratitude and are thankful and may we see the blessings in this life and in Jannah!

Taqqabal lahu minna wa minkum. 
Wish you all a very happy blessed Eid! 
Eid Mubarak!

-Hafsa Mohd.

Monday, May 11, 2020

LAYLATUL-QADR - THE NIGHT OF POWER and the last ten nights of Ramadan

As we progress towards the last ten days of Ramadan , it is needed to know that the entire year is a preparation for the month of Ramadan, and the whole of Ramadan is a preparation for the final ten nights, and the final ten nights are a preparation for Laylatul-Qadr.

Allah swt mentions in the Holy Quran: " The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months".

If we sum it up into an equation: Laylatul-Qadr=83/84 years of worship.
( 1000 months divided by 12 )

but in reality this night is in fact better than a thousand months, as per the above verse.

How amazing is that?! This means not only we could be forgiven for all our life time ocean of sins , but also the good deeds done on this particular night gives us the golden opportunity to earn  more and more rewards than we could earn in an entire lifetime.

Searching Laylatul-Qadr

It goes without saying that the Night of Power is not to be missed! So, how do we search it?

Some scholars have varied their opinions as to which night it may be, some prefer prioritizing the odd nights, while others have favored specific nights.
But, In reality, nobody knows which night it could be, and for this reason Prophet Muhammad
( peace be upon him ) would exert himself in extra worship during each of the last ten nights in order to ensure he would not miss it!

Aisha R.A said, "The Prophet (pbuh) would exert his best (in worship) during the last ten days (of Ramadan) more than at other times." ( Muslim )

Hence, the easiest way to find Laylatul-Qadr is to worship every night during the last ten nights of Ramadan. If you are unable to do so , at-least the odd nights.

What and how can WE do this?

Here's a  list of DO'S AND DON'TS' to ensure we maximize this blessed opportunity.


  1. Do make a plan and set your goals. 
  2. Make a DUA LIST. - The best dua  - 
  3. Stand in Prayer. 
  4. Observe I'tikaf. 
  5. Increase in doing good deeds and Charity. - Spend atleast some amount in charity during the last ten nights every day. If it is Laylatul-Qadr , you will receive the reward of spending th same amount for 83 years ! 
Bonus tip- Take short naps and eat smart and healthy.

  1. Don't waste time in social media apps or in watching television.
  2. Don't exert all your energy in worship during the first few nights and miss out the rest. Balance is the key.
  3. Be Motivated and Don't compare yourself to other's worship. 
  4. Don't lose Hope and Trust in Allah. You have made it so far! This is a sign Allah swt wants to forgive you and has opened His doors of Mercy and Blessings for you.
  5. Give your 100%. Give all what you can and leave Ramadan having no regrets knowing you have done it all.
If the first 20 days of this Ramadan have not gone well for you, there is STILL time to pick yourself up, start your gear and maximize the time which is left.

May Allah swt allow us to witness Laylatul-Qadr and may He shower His mercy and blessings on all of us , reward us and open His treasures for us , forgive us and erase our sins, draw us closer to Him, and secure our place in Jannatul-Firdous and allow us to leave this Ramadan having being completely purified. 

Ameen Ya Rabb!

-Hafsa Mohd.

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Isolation - Insights from the story of Yunus a.s

We all wake up each day with a feeling as though things are just too much for us now , that we are in a situation we see no way of getting out , the thought that will this isolation and pandemic ever end ?
All this and more , is the story of Yunus a.s.
  The timeless story that tells us there is a way out, if only we have faith.

Recalling the story, Allah swt called Yunus a.s to preach to the people of Nineveh which had turned a wicked place. Yunus a.s went to the people there and told them to give up their bad ways and to turn to Allah swt. But, they wouldn't listen to him and so Yunus a.s left them.
Leaving the city behind, Yunus a.s boards a ship. The ship is hit by a huge storm and everyone is terrified. The sailors decide to throw all their goods , and still after that the storm grows up so they decide to drop one man from the ship to calm the storm. They draw the lot indicating that Yunus a.s should be thrown overboard. This happens not once, but three times, each time they pick the lot , it is Yunus a.s SubhanAllah! As soon as he is thrown into the sea, a whale swallows Yunus a.s.

Once in its belly, Yunus a.s descends to the bottom of the sea, in total despair engulfed in darkness, set in isolation.

Currently, we all are also in isolation, much better than what Yunus a.s was set in. We are in an isolation in the comfort of our homes with all the necessities , internet ,gadgets,etc.

Yunus a.s cried through the darkness. He realized that only Allah swt is in control of things. He cries out, "there is no God but You," and asks for help. In asking for help, his prayer is heard.

There are so many lessons from this beautiful story.

Only Allah has control over all things

Allah is in control over everything and He will do what He wills in His own time in His own way.

Put your trust in Allah swt

If  we have ever felt as though we are all surrounded by darkness, and with no way out , we need to cry out the prayer Yunus a.s did.

Never give up! Put your Trust in Allah swt!
He can use us and all situations to do greater things beyond our wildest imagination. SubhanAllah!

This pandemic and isolation is also a test we are all put in . So, cry and pray to your  Lord...

                                        لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ
There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers. 
(Surah Anbiya Verse 87.)

Where things seem dark , this verse from the Quran brings ease and comfort.
فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
And, behold, with every hardship comes ease.
( Surah Ash Sharh Verse 5 )

May Allah end this pandemic and keep us safe .
Ameen Ya Rabb!

-Hafsa Mohd.


Are you ready for another challenge?

It's almost the mid of Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr is approaching.
Undoubtedly, this Eid is going to be a different one. 
Instead, Let's make it a special one!
Say No to Eid shopping this year and Join this campaign with me.

"It is Sunnah to adorn oneself for Eid by wearing one's best clothes".
Let us all wear the best clothes we have in our closets which have been rarely worn and are kept for special occasions. I'm sure all of us will find not one, but more than one.


This year many muslims all around the globe are suffering during this COVID-19 dark times and this campaign is in solidarity with all those people who are facing this ordeal who can't celebrate Eid the way they used to.
Let's be united together and help those in need . ( In addition to the zakah and zakat-al-fitr.)

How can I help?

  • Feed a family.
  • Pay some one's school fees.
  • Pay someone's bills.
  • Pay someone's rent.
  • Help someone restart a business.
  • Buy clothes for the needy.
The Prophet SAWS said "Give charity without delay , for it stands in the way of calamity".

You will not only be rewarded and blessed for this good intention and deed of yours but also have a lot of peace and contentment InshaAllah 

"Those who spend on charity will be richly rewarded" ( Quran 57:10)

Who doesn't wants to be rich here and in the hereafter!SubhanAllah!

"Sadaqah (Charity) wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire."

Who doesn't wants their sins to be forgiven!

Prophet Muhammad saws said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, but three , recurring charity, or knowledge by which people benefit, or a pious child who prays for him." (Tirmidhi)

We are standing amidst a global pandemic where nothing is certain. By doing charity now, we can can benefit ourselves in this world and the next. InshaAllah

So, Are you with me?


 Have a blessed Ramadan!

-Hafsa Mohd.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Assalamuwalaikum wrwb.

Sehri also called as Suhoor is the meal taken before Fajr/dawn.

Benefits of Suhoor.

Prophet Muhammad SAWS said "Eat Sehri , because in it lie great blessings." (Bukhari & Muslim)

  • Through Sehri , we differentiate ourselves from the Ahlul-Kitaab.(Jews and Christians)
  • Sehri meal provides strength for the day.
  • It promotes greater sincerity in "Ibadah".
  • Having Sehri , Sunnah is followed.
  • Avoids bad temper which is a result of hunger usually.
  • We get the opportunity to do dua and dhikr during this time.
Fasting has been ordained for us in order to develop Taqwa , while medically speaking it does have a detoxification/purification effect on the body.It is not meant to weaken the body and induce the process of protein breakdown that occurs with long periods of starvation , which is prevented by having suhoor as it moderates or lessens the time that the body is without the food.

Time to have Suhoor-

Prophet saws said that the sehri should be delayed as much as possible whilst the iftaar should be opened immediately once the time sets in. Hence, the latest time is better and greater in reward to eat sehri making sure not to eat once the fajr time has set in.

Food to eat during Suhoor-

"A healthy sunnah suhoor is a healthy mind set".

Abandon the fried foods , left-over samosas, and choose the sunnah in a simple and nutritional suhoor having an odd number of dates and a glass of milk with a light healthy meal if needed.

It is narrated by Abu Huraira that the Prophet saws said," The best suhoor for the believer is dates".
"And Indeed, for you in livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from that which is in their bellies, and for you in them are numerous benefits,and from them you eat." (Quran 23:21)

Packed with iron, potassium, vitamins A,B and K, glucose, fiber , calcium ,etc there is no wonder that our beloved Prophet saws recommended it.

The right meal during Suhoor will help you be energetic in your fast through out the day.
It has to be a necessary combination of carbohydrates,proteins,fats and water.


Good carbs give you the right energy. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and easily used by the body for energy but can play with the sugar/glucose levels if the wrong type of carbohydrates are used.
Avoid Simple Carbohydrates.
It is advisable that their consumption be limited to small quantities. 
Go for Complex Carbohydrates.
These are rich in fiber,vitamins and minerals. They take a longer time to digest and they don't fluctuate the sugar levels. They act as body's long term fuel.


Proteins maintain body strength , prevent starvation and keep you full.
Proteins are very important as they prevent excessive breakdown of muscle during the fast.
If one doesn't consume sufficient protein for suhoor then it will manifest in a feeling of weakness and neither will you be able to do any physical work, but also feel lazy in doing ibadah like praying or reading Quran.


Did you know that your brain is about 60% fat? The good fats you eat strongly influence your level of brain function.
Not having enough fats in your Suhoor meal can lead to depression,poor sleep, lack of concentration,fatigue and allergies.
Please note that I mentioned good saturated fats. I am totally not talking about samosas deep fried in oils,or other junk foods. These fatty acids can cause serious health problems.


Nobody has to acclaim the benefits of water, which is essential for survival and should be consumed in the Suhoor meal in moderate quantity to prevent dehydration.

Best foods during Suhoor-
  • low gi brown rice, whole grain breads
  • low gi fruits like apples, strawberries,banana,etc
  • some protein in the form of eggs,meat,beans,etc
  • fat from butter,nuts or meat
  • soups
  • dates
  • water
Prophet saws said "In three things , are great blessings, In Jama'ah, in eating Thareed, and in Suhoor."

Thareed is a soup mixture with meat and barley bread or a mixture of dates and barley bread.
It is the perfect combination of low gi bread containing complex carbohydrates as well as high fiber content, and meat which is rich in proteins and fats provides a power sunnah suhoor.

Dates although a high GI fruit, they are an exemption as they are unique and no other fruit can come close in terms of nutritional value. 75-85% of date being glucose and fructose while it also contains proteins, fats, vitamins such as Vitamin A,B1,B12 and minerals including calcium, phosphate,potassium, sulfur, sodium,magnesium,cobalt,zinc,fluorine,copper,manganese, and a good amount of cellulose fiber.

(GI- Glycemic Index is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels.)

May Allah swt make our fasts easy upon us , accept all our fasts and reward us.
InshaAllah Ameen

Have a Healthy and Blessed Ramadan!

-Hafsa Mohd.
Dietician & Nutritionist. 

RAMADAN REPORT : The first ten days.

Assalamuwalaikum wrwb.

We have almost reached the end of Ramadan's first ten days, and it's petrifying how fast they have passed.

For most of us we are moving in fast track ahead of all our goals Alhumdulillah .
For others, we need to kick it into high gear.
And, for some, we need to get started.

Regardless of what our situation is, it's always better for self-evaluation.

Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA said, " Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable, and weigh your deeds before they are weighed for you".

Keeping this is mind, here is a simple report we can use to grade our-self to compute how well we have utilized the ten days of this blessed month.

A- My Ramadan is excellent and I'm reaching my goals.
B- My Ramadan is very good but there is scope for improvement.
C- More conscious effort needs to be put in utilizing my time wisely.
D- Giving up on my goals easily, frustrated , tired and not trying to achieve them.
E- I feel I am Lost!



All five prayed on time.
All five completed within the first hour of prayer time.
Sunnahs prayed.
Nawafil prayed.
Taraweeh prayers in congregation with family members.


Reading with translation.
Reading tafseer.


Making dua after every prayer.
Following dua list in the most important times like breaking of fast , tahajjud.


Keeping your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah at all times.
Doing Dhikr while doing chores.


Zakat paid.
Weekly Sadaqah.
Asking the kids to contribute in the Sadaqa box.
Participating in iftar kits , feeding the hungry and the poor , etc
Non-monetary Sadaqah like smiling more often, etc


Avoid Backbiting.
Avoid Lying.
Avoid arguing.
Controlling Anger.
Being Patient.
Respecting parents , elders, etc.
Being Kind to children.
Avoiding over-eating and food wastage.
Maintaining good relations and being more considerate with neighbors.

Now, is the time to evaluate our-self and start rectifying our mistakes to make the most of this Blessed Month before we actually run out of time and this month too passes away in the blink of an eye.

Ya ALLAH! Help us to strive to do good deeds in this blessed month.
Have a Blessed Ramadan!

-Hafsa Mohd.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Assalamuwalaikum wrwb

What is Tahajjud Prayer?

Salah is one of the pillar of Islam. A prayer generally means the remembrance of Allah swt and getting His mercy and blessings.
Salah is of two types : First is obligatory and second is the Nafl (supererogatory prayer) which is optional.
"Nafl" is an Arabic word , which means to get "something extra".

Allah mentions in the Quran "And from [part of the night, pray  with it as additional (worship) for you, it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station." [ 17:79 ]

The above mentioned Ayah shows that there is one supplementary mode of asking Allah swt for His compassion, which is performed during night time and it results in finding a blessed rank on the day of Judgement. The prayer that is referred here is indeed the salah of Tahajjud.

Timing of Tahajjud Prayer 

"And those who spend (part of ) the night to their Lord prostrating and standing in prayer" [25:64]

Tahajjud prayer is implemented in the final third of a night after waking up from one's sleep.

Requisites of performing Tahajjud prayer
  1. Making a clear intention of performing Tahajjud .
  2. Sustaining a complete state of cleanliness and doing the ablution (wudhu) just like any other normal prayer.
  3. Assign a clean and quiet place in the house away from any distractions.
  4. Offer atleast 2 rakat's up to 12 depending one one's will power.
  5. Try to emulate the Prophet (saws) during this auspicious hour of the night.
  6. Make this prayer a part of one's routine as Prophet (saws) disliked this act. Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A) "O' Abdullah! Do not be like so and so , who used to offer Tahajjud at night and then stopped offering it." (Bukhari)
  7. Don't forget to make dua to Allah swt for one's just and rightful requests and prayers in order to get benefited from this rewarding hours of darkness.

The power of Tahajjud Prayer

Tahajjud Prayer is that power which will make you wonder how amazingly the duas are answered by your Lord. It is like an arrow which does not miss it's target! (Imam Shafi)

Since , it is difficult to rouse from one's slumber , that is the reason ,why this salah carries greatest amount of rewards and great status from Allah swt.

"The best of prayers after the prescribed prayers is prayer in the depths of the night, and the best of fasting after the month of Ramadan is fasting in the months of Allah (Muharram)," [Muslim]

This Hadith is the testimony of the fact that it is the most desirable form of supplication near the Almighty after the ones which are mandatory to act upon.
It is a Gateway to Allah's compassion and mercy.

The Magic of Tahajjud Prayer

Did you know that Allah swt descends every night to the lowest of the heavens to answer our dua's?

Include Tahajjud prayer in your daily routine and you will start noticing the immense amount of mental satisfaction.
Personally , I feel at ease and at peace with myself.
While my duas initially were solely based on those quick fulfillment's I used to yearn for, I slowly began to diversify my list of duas and finally reached a stage where I would just sit and thank Allah for every single thing that I had never thanked before. I could never count my blessings I had been bestowed with and so I would remain an indebted slave.

The calmness of the night , the peace and the serentiy, the feeling of sitting infront of your Lord, pouring your heart out is inimitable.
Tears roll down....anger, frustration, disappointment , all kinds of negative emotions are soon replaced with peace , tranquility , contentment and mental satisfaction.

It is a time to reflect and  speak with your Creator.
Cry out to the Almighty during this time and see His Mercy touch you miraculously!

As rightly said,
"Verily in the remembrance of Allah , do hearts find rest" [13:28]

If you haven't included Tahajjud Prayer in your routines yet, NOW IS THE TIME!
Don't let this Ramadan pass by, by not offering Tahajjud prayers . 
Seek for His Mercy , Ask for Forgiveness , And remember the whole ummah in your prayers.

-Hafsa Mohd.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine and Gratitude...

Come , close your eyes and see the world with me.

What would you see a month back and what do you see now?

All those little things we took for granted are not with us today.

You hear the Athan, but there is no congregation of prayers in mosque.
You have the online classes, but there is no exposure of your child to the school premises.
You have friends and relatives around you, but you are not able to see them.
You have food to eat but , no one to share.
You have a car , but you cant go outside .
You have money, but you can't go out for shopping.
Everything is virtual around you and you are yearning for real!

Did we ever ponder and reflect what are the blessings and rewards we are being deprived off in the current situation?

The chance to erase our sins by walking to the mosque in a state of wudhu.
The chance to make accepted duas between Athan and Iqamah.
The rewards of the congregation prayers.
The chance to have the angels pray for us as we wait in the mosque.
The chance and rewards to personally exchange face-to-face salams with our neighbors.
The chance and rewards of meeting each other for islamic gatherings.
The rewards of visiting a sick.
The rewards of exchanging foods with neighbors.
The rewards of attending Friday prayers.

As it is rightly said , "The value of a thing is only realized after it being lost."
How many of these free for all rewards are at stake ? It breaks my heart to know what we might be missing in Ramadan.

Sadness mounted in me until I came across this Hadith , "Worship in a time of turmoil is as if he had emigrated to me"
What a beautiful thought to keep us motivated to perform acts of worship during these tough times.

Although things might not look good right now, There is always light at the end of the tunnel -We can look forward with the hope that one day , InshaAllah everything will get back to normal again.

We will be able to walk to the mosques racing each other immediately after the call of prayer begging our Lord for forgiveness.
We will be able to see our friends and relatives without fearing our lives.
We will get to travel places and fly around the world.
We will get to shop again with a new attitude toward money after we are being forced to "make do"with so little!
We will be able to value and protect the beautiful nature around us.
We will be able to weigh out the rewards being given to us by our Lord in a million free ways!

And, We will get back to our lives with a newfound appreciation for the things that made us feel "alive"!

I end my piece of writing with my favorite verse from the Holy Quran from Surah Rehman
"So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny"

Be grateful and appreciate the things around you!

-Hafsa MazharUddin

Sunday, April 19, 2020

My son.....My pillar of strength!

Assalamuwalaikum wrwb

19th March, 2020 was that day where all I wanted was to hold my little man in my arms.

Today its' been one month post elbow fracture surgery of my son ( Mohd.Rayyan) and I just thought to share how we overcame this ordeal.

Thursday, 12th March,2020

It was just a normal day when my kids were playing and suddenly i heard my son's cry and he came running to me. He complained that he had a fall and his hand is paining.
I couldn't figure out what happened and just like most of the time I thought it's a small hurt and he'd be fine. He slept on my laps after crying for a little while. I thought the pain subsided and he is fine.
He got up with the same pain and was finding difficulty to move his arm.
We thought it could be a muscle spasm. It was late night so we had to take him to the doctor the next day.
On Friday , we took him to the emergency and we came back with the good news that it was not a fracture and it was a muscle pull.

Next day, we get a call from the doctor asking us to get him to the hospital as it was a fracture.

Reason for negligence- The doctors in the emergency were more concerned about the other patients due to the Covid 19 outbreak and they didn't give a proper check on the x-ray report.

We immediately rushed to the hospital and the doctor said that it's a clear fracture on the elbow joint.
The bad news was that , since it's on the elbow joint he may need a surgery to avoid dislocation or hindrance in movement in future.

And so it started.......

He got a big plaster on his hand and was advised to keep his hand at 90 degrees at all times.
This little boy was smiling at all times when the nurse and the doctor were putting on the plaster.

We came back home and were asked to come back in 5 days to check whether he needs a surgery or not.

5 days passed..... my husband took him to the hospital and came back with the another bad news .
All the time till their return my heart was beating fast praying that there shouldn't be a call for surgery.
When i was announced the news of surgery next day, I couldn't stop my tears.
Tears continued to roll down the whole evening that day.
For some reason , he seemed all the more lovely and adorable. I just didn't want to leave him even for a second.
We kept him awake for a little longer that night since he had to stop eating or drinking 5 hours pre-surgery.
He missed everyone , took names of all his near and dear ones before sleeping.
He even kept a milk on the side table saying me that he would drink it after he wakes up.

The day arrived ..

We woke him up early and my husband took him to the hospital. I was asked to stay at home because of my other kids and due to the covid19 outbreak going around.
He spoke to me before being dressed up in his surgery gown . Little did he knew what's going around or what's happening with him.
After 2 hours , alhumdulillah he was shifted to the room. He only cried asking his dad to change his dress and then slept after being changed.

After half day he was discharged and bought back home.
As a mother that half day was no less than a mountain falling on me. I hugged him immediately after he came back.
Rayyan acted a bit strange for 5 minutes tried to cry and ask me why wasn't I there with him....
He got back to normal after a few sorry's and tight hugs from his mommy.
He fell asleep over me and was overwhelmed with get well soon cards by his sisters once he woke up. He was happy and continued to get back into his routine.

There are countless things I have learned with this little man who patiently overcame this with a smile on his face:)

He taught me patience

Not once did he complain about the surgery or the plaster in all this one month. He has been patiently managing everything with a smile. It's surprising to see how a small soul has a brimming amount of patience inside him.

He taught me to be grateful

At times , when I questioned him what did he do to his hand , he always replied that he has his other hand and it doesn't effect him! SubhanAllah he never denounced about it.

He taught / gave me strength

He wiped my tears and gave me strength. He assured me that he is fine every single day! He taught me the real meaning of strength. He is indeed a strong boy mashAllah.

Nothing stopped him from doing his best

He continued doing almost every little things from his online classes, drawing or coloring , hands on activities , making videos for his teacher , etc and nothing stopped him to give his best!

You are the beautiful gift that I receive every day.
My life is magical because of you, my dearest son.
You are the rainbow in my sky!

May you be blessed with all the bounties of life and in the hereafter.
May you be the coolness to your parent's eyes
May you keep shining always!

-Hafsa Mazharuddin

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ramadan is coming soon.....

Assalamuwalaikum wrwrb!

Ramadan is just around the corner. As much as we are all excited to witness the best time around the year and gain rewards, there is something missing this time due to the Covid 19 outbreak across the globe. Amidst this pandemic we are all aware , Ramadan 2020 is not going to be the same and it is going to come with "more ___________".


This Ramadan we have a bigger responsibility! 

As a mother , I just thought to share what all we can do and what are the things which can multiply our rewards.

Be a responsible muslim.

Muslims must ensure compliance to the directions of their respective country's authorities.

Avoid Iftar Parties

Something which we eagerly wait for "iftar parties"!
Have it with your family within your homes and avoid socializing with anyone.

Make your home - the best place to worship.

I personally would miss badly going to taraweehs. It's the best part of Ramadan. Listening to the imam and praying would really bring a lot of peace to my heart especially the duas would sink my heart.
Now that we are going to miss out on this , pray taraweeh with your family. Learn/Revise your Surahs and duas which you can recite during the prayers.

Involve kids in every act of worship

Children like to get involved in everything so why not now!
Involve your kids big or small in all acts of worship in Ramadan.
Recite Quran with them , Pray with them, do dua with them. Let them help you in the chores as well.
This will not only help you bring them closer to their deen but also encourage them to do good deeds more with a sense of responsibility.

Do some interesting activities with your family and kids

Here are some activities we can all do with our family. I will inshAllah share details about them each in my coming posts.

1) Sadaqa box
2) Good deeds tree
3) Dua box
4) Our little Masajid
5) Ramadan planner

Pay Zakat or Charity

Keeping the current situation in mind, we can pay a little more than usual to help those in need during these crisis so that they can keep fasts and have their Ramadan.
Believe me you will be rewarded abundantly!
Avoid cash transactions as much as possible and use digital transfer to your poor relatives , orphans, food / rations kits, etc.
Encourage kids to add money into their Sadaqa box.

Avoid Eid shoppings

My kids are already excited for Eid before Ramadan itself but we must do a little sacrifice this time.
There are people really suffering during this time . Let your children know about it too.
Wear your best attire . Perhaps , it could be any new dress which is there in the closet or any dress which is meant for special events and rarely worn. Kids will be happy anyway!:)

May Allah help us reach this Ramadan in the highest state of Imaan.
May Allah make it better than the previous Ramadans.
May Allah shower His mercy on all of us!
May the blessings on Ramadan bring an end to this pandemic.

Ameen Ya Rab!

Stay safe and Be responsible! Have a blessed Ramadan!

-Hafsa Mazharuddin

The best days of the year- 10 things to do in the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah.

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