Monday, May 4, 2020

The Isolation - Insights from the story of Yunus a.s

We all wake up each day with a feeling as though things are just too much for us now , that we are in a situation we see no way of getting out , the thought that will this isolation and pandemic ever end ?
All this and more , is the story of Yunus a.s.
  The timeless story that tells us there is a way out, if only we have faith.

Recalling the story, Allah swt called Yunus a.s to preach to the people of Nineveh which had turned a wicked place. Yunus a.s went to the people there and told them to give up their bad ways and to turn to Allah swt. But, they wouldn't listen to him and so Yunus a.s left them.
Leaving the city behind, Yunus a.s boards a ship. The ship is hit by a huge storm and everyone is terrified. The sailors decide to throw all their goods , and still after that the storm grows up so they decide to drop one man from the ship to calm the storm. They draw the lot indicating that Yunus a.s should be thrown overboard. This happens not once, but three times, each time they pick the lot , it is Yunus a.s SubhanAllah! As soon as he is thrown into the sea, a whale swallows Yunus a.s.

Once in its belly, Yunus a.s descends to the bottom of the sea, in total despair engulfed in darkness, set in isolation.

Currently, we all are also in isolation, much better than what Yunus a.s was set in. We are in an isolation in the comfort of our homes with all the necessities , internet ,gadgets,etc.

Yunus a.s cried through the darkness. He realized that only Allah swt is in control of things. He cries out, "there is no God but You," and asks for help. In asking for help, his prayer is heard.

There are so many lessons from this beautiful story.

Only Allah has control over all things

Allah is in control over everything and He will do what He wills in His own time in His own way.

Put your trust in Allah swt

If  we have ever felt as though we are all surrounded by darkness, and with no way out , we need to cry out the prayer Yunus a.s did.

Never give up! Put your Trust in Allah swt!
He can use us and all situations to do greater things beyond our wildest imagination. SubhanAllah!

This pandemic and isolation is also a test we are all put in . So, cry and pray to your  Lord...

                                        لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ
There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers. 
(Surah Anbiya Verse 87.)

Where things seem dark , this verse from the Quran brings ease and comfort.
فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
And, behold, with every hardship comes ease.
( Surah Ash Sharh Verse 5 )

May Allah end this pandemic and keep us safe .
Ameen Ya Rabb!

-Hafsa Mohd.

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